advertising / communication / ideas



We produce good ideas
to deliver great results.

we are complete for your company

Created to serve clients from different segments, we are a communication agency focused on results. Our commitment is to ensure that your business is attractive and profitable. For this, we develop innovative strategies targeting your business and market segment.

We rely on the expertise of a team formed by committed professionals, full of ideas and creativity. We bring together the best of design, communication and marketing.

We believe in the power of a well-done communication and that’s why Inicial Comunicação is complete for you!

Graphic Design

We create brand identity through creative design. We start from an analytical selection of data that generate value and empathy for your customer. Through design, we transform strategies into success.

  • Brand Creation
  • Visual Identity
  • Signaling
  • Printed Graphics

Web / Digital

We understand that today’s customer is multichannel and therefore we work on an online presence in several channels such as: social networks and Google. Our differential is in the creation of sites focused on the user.

  • Website creation
  • Social network management
  • Facebook Ads and Google Campaigns
  • Website Ranking


We value building good relationships for the development of your business. We make your product or service attractive through the relationship and exposure of your brand with your audience.

  • Digital Campaigns
  • Offline Campaigns
  • Endomarketing

Photos and Videos

We produce audiovisual and photographic material with the aim of boosting the visual insertion of our customers in the market and propagating creativity. Visual quality combined with a good message.

  • TV commercials
  • Youtube ads
  • Social Media Videos
  • Advertising picture
  • Indoor media

OUR NEXT PROJECT could be yours

We offer modern services aligned with the reality of your business, seeking to understand it and make it more and more attractive. Our experience in different segments strengthens our competence and our portfolio reinforces our qualifications.

We are driven by challenges! Always focusing on results, we develop and apply strategies on and offline. Our fuel is your success and, for that, we plan and create together with you in order to achieve the best results together. We invite you to be our partner and share your challenges with us.

At Inicial each project is unique and designed according to the needs and market of each client.

“Progress happens when all the contributing factors are ready, and then it's inevitable.”​

-- Henry Ford



+55 (19) 98100-3200



Avenida dos Expedicionários, 722. Jardim Calegaris. Paulínia/SP - Brazil


An advertising agency will help you at specific moments in your company’s life, and after reaching a certain level, it will be essential to keep it relevant and at the top, making it possible to show society the true principles and vision of what was idealized at the beginning, in addition to updating this social bond.

If the company is new or is being created, the agency will be of great help in building and directing the Brand.

When the company is stabilized and needs actions to boost it, it is also a good time to start working with the advertising agency.

Some companies/industries are already solid in the market and need to work on their image and keep the interest of the target audience and their collaborators active, the agency will certainly help in this mission.

Anyone who thinks that the advertising agency should be sought out only in times of low sales or crisis is wrong, as the company that is in this situation probably has internal or management problems that must be resolved beforehand or together with the advertising work. Always remembering that advertising demands investment and your cash needs to be healthy or controlled.

The first point we need to understand is that the market varies in different parts of the world and that the value of an agency is usually linked to the benefit it can offer you. Always keeping in mind that an agency, unlike a freelancer, has a multidisciplinary team and often a digital and physical structure for service.

However, an interesting factor to note is that most digital media today are based on the value of the dollar, that is, the exchange rate interferes with their visibility on these channels.

For a minimum base amount, think of the agency as an extension of your company, as well as a salary for an employee specializing in some industry. Besides, of course, a good investment margin for the publicity media.

In the past, there was a lot of talk about 5 to 10% of gross revenue invested in advertising, but we believe that this varies a lot between sectors and also from company to company.

What you need to keep in mind when hiring an advertising agency is to be prepared to invest, even if it is something progressive, because if a campaign is earning you a lot of profit, it makes no sense to stop it by investment limit.

Almost a decade dedicated to advertising for the most diverse sectors of the economy, Inicial Comunicação followed the entire transformation from physical to digital, always valuing new technologies without giving up the concepts and applications already consolidated. A pioneer in digital marketing in its home city, it is always in the top positions in Google’s local search for more than 5 different words.

We focus on personalized service, creating unique plans and strategies for each client, in addition to often instructing and engaging managers in this partnership and exchange of experiences.

Whether in person at the physical office or via phone, we are always willing to answer and guide (if necessary).

There are several ways to measure the results of a job and each one of them needs the KPI’s (key indicators) to be stipulated at the beginning.

But in a general context, just the fact that you start an advertising work by professionals, the changes are easily perceived visually and in the course of the work, they are consolidated in numbers and data. There is indeed the possibility of not reaching the desired goal, but the entire process is mapped and through data collection, new actions will be determined.